
In my art I occupy myself with sociopolitical themes. In doing so I work with various types of media, mainly photography and video. The majority are series of photographs or short films, which sometimes complement each other. Projects are realised in exhibitions as well as in public spaces.

My key area of interest lies in the strained relationships between art and society. How does art intervene with societal processes? How through art can one question the balance of power and bring forth new experiences? What importance does society attach to actual art? In the past 10-15 years there has been a re-politicisation in the art world. This process is accompanied by various definitions of “political art” and complicates the verification of the true effect. Though the belief that art should be a display of beauty is disappearing more and more from society.

In all of my videos and series of photographs I work with a photographic approach, which documents things, spaces, and events, and simultaneously take a critical view of their claims of truth. Most pictures are not merely influenced by my point of view as a photographer, rather by different external factors that impact composition and the artwork. That means behind a picture could be a participatory project, re-photographed scenes from existing publications, or even the location where a feature film was filmed. In my work, formal aspects are of equal importance to the contents of debate.

I think that art offers wonderful opportunities to explore truth. I find the possibility of successfully expanding the field of art fascinating when art can initiate discussion and challenge conventional thinking, thereby having an influence on the balance of power and occasionally even shaping reality. In this case, the aesthetic has a central role.


born 1970 in Vienna

1991 – 1997 Universität für angewandte Kunst, Vienna (A)
1992 – 1996 Universität für darstellende Kunst, Vienna (A)

Awards (selection)

1. Preis Kurt Eisner Kulturstiftung (D)

1. Platz Austrian Photo Award (A)

1. Platz Kunstpreis des Landes Salzburg (A)

1. Platz Kunstpreis des Landes Steiermark (A)

Exhibitions & projects (2000-2021, selection)

Österreich ist ein wunderbares Land, Weltmuseum Wien, Wien (AT) (Teil der Ausstellung „Counter-Archives of Amnesia“)
Space for Kids. Denk(dir)mal!, Kunsthalle Wien“, Wien (AT)

Welcome to the Club, Haus der Geschichte, Wien (AT) (Permanent installation in collaboration with trafo.K)

Martin Krenn: The Real Glory and Other Stories, 1335Mabini, Manila (PH) (solo)
Transforming Long Kesh/Maze, Belfast (UK) (Solo show together with Aisling O‘Beirn, Gallery PS2 and travelling exhibition in public institutions in Northern Ireland)
Edition #o1, Galerie Zimmermann Kratochwill, Graz (AT)

prejects & research, Galerie Zimmermann Kratochwill, Graz (AT) (solo)
Point of Leisure, a project by Martin Krenn for “We are the Market!”, Onomatopee Eindhoven (NLD)
Performing the Border, Kunstraum Niederösterreich, Wien (AT)
where are we going, Galerie Zimmermann Kratochwill, Graz (AT)
Universal Hospitality 2, MeetFactory Gallery, Prag (CZ)

Teatri I Gjelbërimit, FAB Gallery, University of Fine Art Tirana, Tirana (AL)
Venture: Capital, 1335Mabini, Manila (RP)
Forget-Me-Not – Künstlerische Ansätze Gegen Das Vergessen, Galerie Zimmermann Kratochwill, Graz (AT)
PERSECUTED, ROBBED, EXPELLED, < rotor > association for contemporary art, Graz (AT)

Hotel Metropole. Giving Memory a Future, Into the City Centrale, Morzinplatz 1 / Wiener Festwochen 2015 (AT)
Verdrängte Geschichte Und Kontaminierte Orte, < rotor > association for contemporary art, Graz (AT)
Notes On The Beginning Of The Short 20Th Century, Emil Filla Gallery / Galerie Emila Filly, Ústí nad Labem (CZ)
Notes on the Beginning of the Short 20th Century, Quartier21, Wien (AT)

Martin Krenn: … truth should be honored, 1335Mabini, Manila (PH) (solo)
Anmerkungen zum Beginn des kurzen 20. Jahrhunderts Gegenwartskunst zum 1. Weltkrieg, Motorenhalle – riesa efau. Kultur Forum Dresden, Dresden (DE)
Fluxus – eine Ausstellung als Performance, Vienna Contemporary, Vienna (AT)
Face to Face with the Monument, Chto Delat / Into the City, Wiener Festwochen, Vienna (AT)

World´s End, Galerie Zimmermann Kratochwill, Graz (AT) (solo)
Martin Krenn: World’s End, EGFK & OKK|Raum, Berlin (DE) (solo)
Common Ground Barrier, 1335Mabini, Manila (RP)
Common Ground Barrier, Galerie Zimmermann Kratochwill, Graz (AT)
DIE SCHWEIZ IST KEINE INSEL #2 – Lauter Widerspruch, Shedhalle Zürich, Zürich (CH)
Invisibility, University of Ulster Gallery, Belfast (UK)
Invisibility, Pollen Studio Belfast, Belfast (UK)
Feld-Herren Revisited, Out of the Box. 10 Fragen an künstlerische Forschung, Museum of Applied Arts Vienna, Vienna (AT) (lecture performance)

Martin Krenn, Volta NY, Booth number B 2, GZK, New York (US) (solo)
Versteckte Öffentlichkeiten, Motorenhalle – riesa efau, Kulturforum Dresden (DE)
Phänomen Wohlstand, Motorenhalle – riesa efau, Kulturforum Dresden (DE)
Hidden Publics, Emil Filla Gallery, Ústi nad Labem, Prag (CZ)
Group show, Galerie Zimmermann Kratochwill, Graz (A)

Public Folklore, Palais Thinnfeld, Graz (AT)
Pièces de résistance – Stücke des Widerstandes, Motorenhalle – riesa efau. Kultur Forum Dresden, Dresden
Memory in (Post-) Totalitarianism, Galerie Zimmermann Kratochwill, Graz (AT) (solo)
Hidden Publics, Galerija Škuc, Ljubljana (SL)
Why do you resist? Forms of Resistance in Contemporary, Arsenal Gallery, Bialystok  (PL)
Creative Time, Queens Museum Of Art, Global Action for International Migrants Day on December 18, webproject, New York (US)
DEMOCRATEA, Collective Democratea (MA AIP & associates), Ninth International Live Art Biennial in Belfast (NI)

Inversion of the ideal, Galerie Zimmermann Kratochwill, Graz (AT)
Versteckte Öffentlichkeiten – Hidden Publics, Kunsthalle Palazzo, Liestal (CH)
Destroying Public Harmony – The National Brukenthal Museum, Sibiu (Hermannstadt) (RO)
In between the movements, Center for Contemporary Art/Likovni Salon Gallery, Celje (Sl) (solo)
Memory in (Post-)Totalitarianism, Centre for Visual Introspection, Bukarest (RO) (solo)
Statt Rassismus, Realisierung im öffentlichen Raum, TKI open, Innsbruck (AT) (solo)
Open call zur Umgestaltung des Lueger-Denkmals in ein Mahnmal gegen Antisemitismus und Rassismus in Österreich, Projektleitung, Universität für angewandte Kunst, Wien (AT) (solo)
Why do we resist?, Pori Taidemuseo / Pori Art Museum, Pori (FI)
A8 Richtung Wien, Platform3, München (DE)

Democracy and welfare for all, Workshop, Performance, Plakat, realisiert im Rahmen von Normalzustand, Festival der Regionen, Linz/Auwiesen (AT) (solo)
Pièces de résistance. Forms of resistance in contemporary art, Kunstmuseum Thun (CH)
Cities of Desire – Alternative Strategies of Place-making, Hong Kong Arts Centre (HK)
Chili con Carne – Eine Gegenausstellung, forum frohner, Krems (AT)
ausgewählt: 10 JAHRE, < rotor > – Rotor – association for contemporary art, Graz (AT)
On the Tectonics of History – International Studio & Curatorial Program (ISCP), New York, NY (US)
Ensemble der Verhältnisse, Open Space – Zentrum für Kunstprojekte, Wien (AT)
Rewind, Fast Forward. Videokunst aus der Sammlung der Neuen Galerie Graz von 1970 bis heute, Neue Galerie Graz – Universalmuseum Joanneum, Graz (AT)
Because it’s like that now, it won’t stay that way, Arsenal Gallery, Bialystok (BY)
MODIFI, Ateneo de Madrid, Madrid (ES)

Monument for a just City, Soziale Plastik im Rahmen vom Urban Festival 08, Zagreb (CR) (solo)
monster, Motorenhalle – riesa efau. Kultur Forum Dresden, Dresden (DE)
La vie moderne / revisitée, Centre d‘Art Passerelle, Brest, (FR)
diskonta_3: Fotografie, Galerie IG Bildende Kunst, Wien (AT)
Cities of Desire, Galerie IG Bildende Kunst, Wien (AT)
nothing to declare, Künstlerhaus Palais Thurn und Taxis, Bregenz (AT)
Nothing to declare – 4. Triennale zeitgenössischer Kunst Oberschwaben, Zeppelin Museum, Friedrichshafen (DE)
Have the cake and eat it, too – Institutionskritik als instituierende Praxis, WUK – Kunsthalle Exnergasse, Wien (AT)
On the Tectonics of History, Motorenhalle Dresden (GER)
Rezidenca #3, TICA, Tirana (AL)
Nichtstun, arttransponder, Berlin (DE)

Right to stay, Performance, Billboardobject, realisiert im Rahmen von We are many – positions on the theme of migration, Graz (AT) (solo)
Why do you Resist? – Forms of Resistance in Contemporary Art and Society, Emil Filla Gallery / Galerie Emila Filly, Ústí nad Labem (CZ)
Why do you Resist? – Forms of Resistance in Contemporary Art and Society, Forum Stadtpark, Graz (AT)
fast backwards, MAERZ Künstlervereinigung, Linz (AT)
On Tections of History, Wyspa Institute of Art, Danzig (PL)
Free Radicals, The Israeli Center for Digital Art, Holon (IL)
Open Studio: Martin Krenn & Suela Qoshja, Tirana Institute of Contemporary Art, (AL)
Martin Krenn/Roland Rust, Area 53, Vienna (AT)

Einbahnstraße. Arbeiten und Projekte von Martin Krenn, Galerie Vor Ort, im Rahmen von Verborgene Geschichte/n – remapping Mozart, Wien (AT) (solo)
Not Sheep – New Urban Enclosures and Commons, Artspeak Gallery, Vancouver (CA)
Patriotism Tomorrow, Wyspa Institute of Art, Danzig (PL)
Zur Tektonik der Geschichte, Emil Filla Gallery / Galerie Emila Filly, Ústí nad Labem
Crime and Punishment, Sihtasutus Tallinna Kunstihoone Fond, Tallinn (FL)
Die Heimat ist um die Ecke, P.M.Bohun Gallery, Liptovsky Mikulas (SK)
Monument für die Niederlage – Zeit der Befreiung  1945-1947, (Version II), temporary monument Installation, Mexikoplatz, Vienna (AT) (with C. Martinz-Turek, N. Sternfeld, L. Ziaja) (public space)
Es ist kein Traum!, remapping mozart, brick-5, Vienna (AT)
Die Heimat ist um die Ecke, City Galery, Martin (SK)
Open Art, summerstage, Vienna (AT)
Die Heimat ist um die Ecke, Gallery of the Marmara University, Istanbul (TR), Gallery of the Hacettepe University, Ankara (TR), Historisches  Museum Regensburg (DE)

Monument für die Niederlage – Zeit der Befreiung 1945-1947, temporäre Installation, mit Charlotte Martinz-Turek, Nora Sternfeld und Luisa Ziaja, Ostarrichipark, Wien (AT) (solo)
Corporate World, Toronto Free Gallery, Toronto (CA)
Global Tour, W139, Amsterdam (NL)
Zur Tektonik der Geschichte, Forum Stadtpark, Graz (AT)
LA PATRIA ESTÁ A LA VUELTA DE LA ESQUINA. Fotografía contemporánea de Austri, MARCO Museo de Arte Contemporánea de Vigo, Vigo (ES)
Realities II – Gesellschaftswerte, Fotogalerie Wien, Wien (AT)
Xenopolis. Von der Faszination und Ausgrenzung des Fremden, Rathausgalerie München, München (DE)
Huis Clos. Roomer, Galerie IG Bildende Kunst, Wien (AT)
ZONE 2005, Galerie IG Bildende Kunst, Wien (AT)
RISK: Creative Action in Political Culture, Centre for Contemporary Arts (CCA), Glasgow (UK)
moving..on…, NGBK, Berlin, (DE)
arbeiten gegen rassismen, billboards, Vienna (AT)
Next Door, Barents Art Triennial, Kirkenes (FI)
Die Heimat ist um die Ecke, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo MARCO, Vigo (ES)
Die Heimat ist um die Ecke, Centro de Fotografía in Salamanca (ES)

City Views, Austriackie Forum Kultury, Warschau (PL) (solo)
City Views, Centre d‘art Passerelle, Brest (FR) (solo)
City Views, Mala galerija/Cankarjev Dom, Ljubljana (SI) (solo)
City Views, Schaufenstergalerie maiz, Linz (AT) (solo)
European Corrections Corporation, Kontainer-Installation in München, mit Oliver Ressler, in Kooperation mit Kunstraum München (DE) (solo)
Minority Report: Challenging Intolerance in Contemporary Denmark, Aarhus Festival of Contemporary Art, Aarhus (DK)
Exciting Europe, Galerie für Zeitgenössische Kunst, Leipzig (DE)
Telepidemic!, Hong Kong Art Center, Hong Kong (HK)
Interventionen gegen Rassismen, Galerie IG Bildende Kunst, Wien (AT)
Territories – The Frontiers of Utopia and Other Facts on the Ground, Malmö Konsthall, Malmö (SE)
Trading Places – points of encounter between art and migration, Pump House Gallery, London (UK)
Entering EU, Kunstenaarsinitiatief Paraplufabriek, Nijmegen (NL)
City Dwellers, Forum Stadtpark Graz, Graz (AT)
ALIEN5, FLACC Casino Modern Waterschei, Genk (BE)

European Corrections Corporation, Kontainer-Installation in Wels, mit Oliver Ressler, in Kooperation mit der Galerie der Stadt Wels (AT) (solo)
The bourgeois show – social structures in urban space, Dunkers Kulturhus, Helsingborg (SE)
Learning from*, NGBK, Berlin (DE)
real*utopia, < rotor > association for contemporary art, Graz (AT)
Telepidemic!,  Espace FORDE, Geneve (CH)

Telepidemic!, Videoart Center Tokyo, Kobe (JP)
in der sprache der gäste…, Kunstverein Kärnten / Künstlerhaus Klagenfurt, Klagenfurt (AT)
Autriche – Art – Archives, Culture et populisme, Ville de Paris, En Cours, Paris (F), Ecole Regionale des Beaux-Arts de Nantes, Nantes (FR)
Cartographies, Index. The Swedish Contemporary Art Foundation, Stockholm (SE)
A.S.A.P, Kirchengasse 3, Vienna (AT)
Smoking Mirrors, UCLA – University of California, Los Angeles (US)
Spacing the Line, Galerie der HS für Grafik und Buchkunst, Leipzig (DE)

Border Crossing Services, Postwurfsendung, mit O. Ressler, Kunstraum Lüneburg (D) (solo)
Rückgabe, mit Wolfram P. Kastner, Galerie 5020., Salzburg (AT) (solo)
Demonstrate!, Centre d‘art Passerelle, Brest (FR) (solo), Widerstandskobel, Universität in Linz (AT)
Neubauten, W139, Amsterdam (NL)
Dienstleistung: Fluchthilfe – Kunstraum der Leuphana Universität Lüneburg, Lüneburg (DE)
andauernder Widerstand gegen Machtverhältnisse, < rotor > association for contemporary art, Graz (AT)
Protest! – Macht. Körper. Widerstand, Druzba, Linz (AT)
remote viewing, Public Netbase, contribution for the opening of the Viennese Museumsquartier (AT)
hybridvideotracks, NGBK, Berlin (DE)
Pavelhaus, Laafeld in the Austrian/Slovenian border region (AT)
Reihe Film/Video Kunst, Landesgalerie am OÖ Landesmuseum, Linz (AT)
ostensiv, Kunstraum B/2 Leipzig (DE)

Demonstrate!, Salzburger Kunstverein, Salzburg (AT) (solo)
Widerstand: Art and Politics from Austria, artspace Rhizom, Aarhus (DK)
Wider Bild Gegen Wart, NICC, Antwerpen (BE)
Widerstand – Art et Politique en Autriche, Apegac/Espace Donguy, Paris (FR)
Money Nations 2, Kunsthalle Exnergasse, Vienna (AT)
Annual exhibition, Salzburger Kunstverein (AT)


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